What are Web Players

What are Web Players

Web Players are a combination of Players and Public Sharing. They allow you to group together a series of content that will play back sequentially within a web browser. This makes them ideal for one-off use, sharing a group of content with others via email, or embedding on a webpage for others to see. They are also useful for troubleshooting and checking out what a Player will show.

Web Players also mean any device with a web browser can be a player, some Smart TVs, media streaming devices and conference room display systems, can use a web page as a background or screen saver. Airtame, Air Server Connect are great examples of this.


In order for a web player to show content, the individual items included must be marked "Allow Public Access". This is an extra security measure as web players are publicly available on the web to anyone with the URL, and therefore require explicit public access set per item.

Web players will always be silent, see this article to learn why and how to work around this.

Creating a Web Player

  1. Go to Players and click Add Web Player
  2. Choose whether to create a player based on Categories or an existing Playlist.
    1. If you choose Categories, you will see a list of categories you can select to include.
    2. If you choose Playlists, you can select the playlist that are available to use.
  3. Once created, click Save, and copy the Public Sharing link.
  4. Use the Embed code to include the video player on a webpage or in your VLE, or use the Public Link to share outside the school, via email, or social media.

Example Embed Code:   <iframe src="https://app.trilbytv.co.uk/public/player/9bb891d7-3ac4-4a11-897b-76c98a95d895" width="480" height="270" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


If you have set up Corners on your player, these will appear on your Web Players as well. You may wish to adjust these for web players, however, if you edit them on the web player they will override the defaults set in Players.

Example Public Link Page

An example Embedded Player viewed on the web
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