Managing And Using Categories

Categories are a way to tag content for searching and playback. In TrilbyTV, categories are one way you can control what is shown on Players. Players can show one or more categories and are a great alternative to Playlists.

Using Categories

Categories allow you to set a 'theme' to a TrilbyTV Player and have it auto-refresh with new content as it is added to the category. You could also create a category for a specific screen, such as "Reception Screen", and use that to manage what plays on it.

To tag a content item with a category, when editing your content you'll see the available Categories at the bottom of the page.

Just click on a Category to tag that content. You can add as many categories as you need to.

Playing specific categories on a player:

When editing a player's Default playback

  1. Head to Players section of TrilbyTV and select the player you'd like to display your chosen category
  2. Click the Categories tab. Initially, All will be selected, which will playback All categories approved and marked to Show on TrilbyTV Player.
  3. Select the Categories you wish to playback.
  4. Turn on Shuffle to enable random playback mode, otherwise, videos are played from newest to oldest. You can also Limit the player to only show the latest x items. This means the content displayed is always the newest added.


  • When selecting Category-based playback, TrilbyTV displays content based on your chosen categories. In the above example, selecting Business and Corridors would playback ALL content tagged with the Business category OR the Corridors label, NOT content tagged with both Business AND Corridors.
  • New or existing content tagged with any of your selected categories will show on your players.

Setting a theme: You can use categories to group content into themes. For instance you may wish to tag content that's dedicated to your Primary School and separately, content that's dedicated to Secondary School. Or perhaps you want to to easily see content to do with Science or Art.

Managing categories


Only users with Admin Permissions are able to Create, edit and delete categories.

TrilbyTV has a selection of default categories when you first sign in. You choose to use these or you remove them and add your own. To do this:

  1. Click on the Category '#' icon in the left hand menu.
  2. Click Add Category
  3. Enter the category name and click Add

Editing a category: Click Edit, then rename the category in the text box and save.

Deleting a category: Click Delete and confirm you're happy to delete the category.


Deleting a category will not delete any content tagged with that category.

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