Adding Google Slides to TrilbyTV

Adding a Google Slides file is easy, using the Add Web Content feature in TrilbyTV. The content on display can then be updated without needing to access the TrilbyTV Sites.

Setting up your presentation

  1. Go to and sign in with your Google Account
  2. Create or edit your presentation as you would do normally
  3. When you are ready to publish - from the File menu choose Share > Publish to web
  4. If you have more than one slide, select how quickly you would like your slides to advance. You should check both the Start and Restart options:

  1. Click Publish and then click OK
  2. You will now see a code starting <iframe> 
  3. Copy all of this code and sign in to TrilbyTV


  • Hidden slides will still be displayed.
  • To make your slides fit nicely on your TVs choose Page Setup from the File menu and make sure the slide is Widescreen 16

Adding your Google Slides to TrilbyTV

From the + icon top right choose Web Content

Paste in the <iframe> link you just copied and click Save

TrilbyTV will automatically recognise the Google slideshow and may turn on some options for you. You can change how long each slide is displayed for, if the slideshow should loop and how long the whole slideshow will display for.

Turning on 'Create Apple TV slides' will automatically generate a version of the Slides doc for display on Apple TV. The slideshow will automatically update from the Google Slides document at the time interval you set. 

You can optionally set content start and end times after which the slideshow will be removed from your TrilbyTV system.

You can also set an auto-delete or auto-unapprove date/time after which the web content will be removed or un-approved.

Remember if you are using a slideshow with multiple slides the time to show on the player should be set to the total length of the slideshow so 3 slides at 5 seconds should be shown for 15 seconds. If you choose to turn off Loop presentation, then once the slides have all played TrilbyTV will show the next piece of content.


If you have a single slide to display for a long period, just set the Show on Player to a high number 30 minutes would be 1800 seconds.

Your web content is added to your feed like any other content. You will need to Save, add it to a category and approve it, before it will show on your screens.

Audio in Google Slides

Google Slides now lets you add audio to presentations, meaning you can play audio on a single slide, or through the entire presentation.

To do this:

  1. Upload an MP3 or WAV file to your Google Drive
  2. Once uploaded, right click the file then choose Share
  3. In the window that opens, click Advanced then where it says "Private - Only you can access this" click change, the set this to On - anyone with the link
  4. Then in your Slides document, go to Insert > Audio. Select the file from your Drive in the window shown. You'll see a speaker icon appear on your document.
  5. Click the image, then click Formatting Options in the Slides toolbar. A sidebar will open with some options.
  6. Under Audio Playback, tick Start Playing Automatically, drag the slider to set the volume level, optionally hide the icon when presenting, and select Loop audio if you want this to happen. 
  7. You can also untick Stop on slide change if you'd like the audio to play in the background behind your entire presentation. This is a neater way to have a backing track to the whole slideshow.

Once you've done this, just follow the steps above to add your slides to TrilbyTV if you haven't already.

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