TrilbyTV ChromeOS Kiosk Mode

Kiosk Mode is a great way to run TrilbyV Player in a zero-contact set-up as once running the Chrome OS device will require no further user input to run TrilbyTV Player.


  • If you have a Chrome OS device, you must be able to run the Android version of TrilbyTV Player Check out this list for Android-supported Chrome devices.
  • With effect from June 2022, Chrome OS will deprecate Chrome Apps, and they will no longer work on Chrome OS.

If your Chrome device is Enterprise Managed

  1. Go to your Chrome Management Console and go to Device management > Chrome devices.
  2. Change your kiosk settings. For more help setting up an enrolled device, see the Google Support docs
  3. If required, our App ID is: eafddklkalakbpdephfekcdhpniommih

If your Chrome device is not managed

As of December 2017, ChromeOS no longer allows you to configure Kiosk Mode unless you have purchased a Chrome Management License.

If kiosk mode is successfully set up, TrilbyTV Player will load when the device starts. You can now enrol the Player in Players and configure your player.

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