Installing TrilbyTV Player on a Vestel signage screen

These instructions are for Vestel displays with part numbers PRxxD, PFxxD and XNxxD.

Before you start

  • Download the TrilbyTV Player APK from
  • Copy that to a USB memory stick (formatted as FAT 32)
  • Grab the remote and turn on your screen

First time setup

If this is the first time using this screen you'll be walked through a set up process.

  • Choose language and country
  • When asked to enter a PIN you can skip
  • On the Signage Settings screen go to and select Next
  • Choose Disabled on the Auto Launch screen (we will set this later)
  • Choose Next on the Display Operation Mode screen
  • You will then need to set your network preferences, wired or wirless according to your organisations configuration. Once you are connected choose Next
  • Accept or Skip the agreements

You will then be on the 'home' screen. At this point check the time and date are correct, if they are not then it suggests a network issue so press MENU on the remote and check the Network Settings.

We suggest you also update the software which can be done from System Settings >More>Software Upgrade. You may need to do this more than once to ensure the latest updates are applied.

Installing the TrilbyTV Player app

  • Plug in your USB stick with the TrilbyTV Player APK (either USB port is fine)
  • Scroll to Applications then File Manager
  • Navigate to your USB stick and select the APK
  • You'll be asked if you want to install so press Install
  • When complete press Done

Additional Setup

You will want the TrilbyTV Player app to open when the TV powers on.

  • Press the CMS button on the remote to return to the home screen
  • Scroll to Signage Settings then down to Power Up Settings
  • From Auto Launch choose Select Application and select TrilbyTV Player
  • Press Exit on the Remote and then press CMS, this time TrilbyTV Player will open

Now you can add your TrilbyTV Player to your TrilbyTV site using the code on screen.

Useful notes

You can press MENU at any time to access the Network, Signage and System Settings.

In System Settings you can set a Schedule for the screen to power off and on.

To access the System menu for a factory reset press MENU followed by code 4725.

While content is being displayed, pressing OK on the remote will show the TrilbyTV Player info panel that contains the Player Code and useful info like Storage remaining.

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