How secure is my login?

With TrilbyTV, like most online apps, you are required to log in with your unique username and chosen password to access your content. 

Password security: All your passwords are one-way encrypted and stored securely on our UK-based servers. We are unable to recover lost or forgotten passwords. We cannot see your chosen password and so it can only be reset via Reset Password.

Password strength: You should avoid reusing passwords used for other sites. Avoid using unsafe passwords, such as "password", "1234", your username, or other generic names, or common dates like birthdays, anniversaries etc. Instead, try using a mix of numbers, letters and punctuation for a really secure password. Or use a Password Manager or your browser to suggest passwords for you.

Password sharing: You should not share your password with another user or allow anyone else to use your login. You are responsible for all content you add as outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy.

Forgotten password: If you forget your password, you can reset it via the web. If you signed up with an email address, we will email you reset instructions. Or you can speak to a teacher or your IT Department who can reset this for you.

SSO Accounts: If you use Google, Microsoft or Apple to log in, your login is managed by them and your account password reset steps must be done via their websites. We cannot reset passwords on any of these accounts. You may also be required to set up a 2 Factor device to login

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