Adding a Calendar Feed

Adding a calendar feed to your TrilbyTV screens gives you a simple way to share current school or public events around your school. Once connected, your events will show on your TrilbyTV screens with no further action required from you. You just need to update your calendar as usual.


You will need to be using TrilbyTV Player v5.3 or later in order to view your calendar feeds.

Adding your Calendar feed

Click the Add menu icon and choose Calendar


You will need to ensure that your ICS based calendar feed is publicly available. Therefore it is not suitable for sharing private calendars.

Once you've added your Calendar feed you will need to Save and approve it, then add it to a category or playlist, before it appears on your screens.

Below is a preview from our own Instagram account:

Calendar Options

You can customise various options for your calendar feed:

Week Layout: See Today's events in the main area and later week events in a scrolling sidebar

Day Layout: Choose this layout for a single day's events. This view is designed for portrait viewing but works in both orientations.

Background and Events colour pickers: Choose our own brand colours and then set a title for the calendar display.


The calendar title is different than the title shown in your feed on TrilbyTV

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