Creating and Managing Groups

The Groups feature in TrilbyTV is where you can group players, users and content. 

For example… you may have a set of 3 screens in the Humanities block. You only want the Humanities staff to access and control those screens and content - so you need a group.

Until you enable your first group the interface elements for adding things to groups are hidden. Once you add a group they will become visible in all areas of TrilbyTV. Admin level users see everything regardless of groups.


Once you add Groups they become active across your TrilbyTV. Any content and players will need to be tagged to a group in order for the people in the group to view it. 

Creating a Group

  1. Click Groups
  2. Click Add Group
  3. Give your group a name

Adding users to a group

  1. In Users click Edit on the user you'd like to assign to a group
  2. In the Groups section, select the groups you want to add them to - by default users have access to Everything.

  3. Be sure to scroll down and click Save when you have made the changes.


  • Once a user is put in a group they will ONLY see things that are in the same group(s) as them this includes Players (if they can access those) and Content items.
  • Users will only be able to Add and Edit content in groups they have access to, they will be able to see other groups, but have no access.

Adding a Player to a group

  1. Click on the player you want to add, scroll down and click the group name, you can select as many as you want. Changes made here are saved automatically.


Users will only be able to Add and Edit content in groups they have access to, they will be able to see other groups, but have no access.

Adding content to a Group

  1. Click the Edit icon on any content item
  2. Scroll down and below Categories you will see the Groups selector
  3. Like with Players, click the group name to select it. You can select as many as you want.
  4. Click Save.

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